Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Go to University


Why Go to University
Moti Nissani

Literal Comprehension:
The university Education has many more advantages. Though, going to university might create additional stresses in the life, there are much more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, university education provides income and job opportunities, which improves the social status. Secondly, educated people enjoy better health than other because they are much aware about different diseases. Thirdly, educated people are more conscious about physical exercise which is beneficial to physical, mental and emotional well being. Fourthly, educated people are valued more by culture. Fifthly, learned men and women are highly respected in the society. Sixthly, lack of education damages social standing and self confidence. Seventhly, university education expands the social horizons of every individual. They make new friends. They share new ideas. The education increases the personal freedom. Education makes less dogmatic about our own belief and more tolerant about the belief of others. University education frees human mind from any kinds of prejudices. Finally education helps to flourish democracy in a country. University education makes us capable to judge the policy makes their policies. This helps the democratic system work properly.

 The essay, why go to university is trying to say that education is very important part of life. Going to university reforms our character and morality. It helps for our all round development. It removes narrow mind. Pride and superstition and leads us towards progress and prosperity. Education helps to know the meaning of life.

Critical Thinking: 
The essay teaches us the value of education. I agree with the writer in most of the cases, but there are some unclear ideas in the essay. In only formal and university education important? What about informal education? Do only educated people life longer? Do all the educated person get better job and income.

Before reading this essay I used to think that university education provides only better job and opportunities to earn much. But I was wrong. It also teaches us how to live a healthy life. What are the difficulties that people have to face in the lack of education? In sum this essay gave me new way to join with its multiple values.

Why go to University:
- Moti-Nissani, USA (1947 -)


One may think that going to University is just a waste of time and money. For him/her, there are some disadvantages
of going to the university.
It keeps one away from him/her responsibilites to job, family and friends. It consumes much time, energy and many moreover, at time of going to university, one can work and earn money. Knowledge doesn't always bring happiness. In some ways, ignorance is bliss.

However, University education has many more advantages. It enables us to find better jobs and earn more money. Unversity degrees helps us to be prometed and there by improve our income and social standing. A nation is rich not because of its land and natural resources but because of its educated man power. The next advantage of education is that it provides us knowledge and skills  that we can use in our practical life. Education doesn't only make our physical life prosperous, it also refines our inner life too. It makes us more rational to learnt and considerate. It enables us to resolve difficulties and conflicts in a reasonable and rational manner. It teaches us a proper model of right conduct. Educated people have sound mind and sound body. They enjoy better health than other because they are more conscious of the factors that are responsible for damaging their health.

Educated persons are much more respected and valued than uneducated persons. Education helps to be self-confident and it increases one's inquisitiveness. It expands one's social horizon. It provides him/her chanced to meet new people, make new friends and share new experiences. It also increases our personal freedom. Educated persons are less superstitious, less traditional and less dogmatic about their beliefs and ideas. It makes them open minded and less biased. Education also tells us much about the nature and university. It makes people aware of the effects of the destruction of environment and eco-system.

It is said that education and democracy are interdependent. Democracy gets flourished among educated persons. Educated people know more about the value of democracy and they can judge their policy makes and policies very well. Education prospers where democracy fully works.